Sunday, 3 July 2011

My men were all killed as we were swept up in another raging storm, but I managed to survive and I got swept up to the island of Calypso, were a nymph looked after me for seven long years, she offered me immortal life if I stayed with her, but each time she nagged, I refused. Penelope, I still loved more than anything in the whole world!


We had successfully escaped this fierce dragon and whirlpool. We got off the ship, sat on the island with the grazing cattle, and weeped. The boat was destroyed now so there was nothing we could do to escape the island just yet. Even though we needed food more than ever, my men made a promise to me that they would not eat any of the cattle. A sudden storm came, which was worse than ever, the following night and day. We ran out of food and I fell into a deep sleep. When I woke up, I found my men sitting around a fire eating that cattle that they had made a promise not to eat, I was angry, very angry. The God's were now angry with me and we were cursed, I wanted to just give up with trying to get home, but somehow I couldn't, there was no point now we had got this far!


I could still smell the dead, the smell hovered around for a while until we escaped the last wall of fog. My men were left shaken after coming across Hades, he was a terrifying man. We didn't see people like him everyday! I was left thinking, what I hadn't mentioned to my men, or t anyone, was that I saw something, someone, a soul, who I recognised lurking in the dead. The soul of my beloved mother, who I now knew, was no longer alive, but dead, in the underworld. I could not believe it. I was left speechless and could feel gentle tears spilling down my cheeks. I faced away from my men so they could not see me in this state. She would not be there to see me when I got back from my journey...

We went back to Circie's island and she informed me of the island of the sirens and it's enchantments, she told me about the rocks that the ship will approach and to beware of the lair of Scylla, she told me that this terrible creature will kill 6 of my men!!! But if we move in the other direction there is a chance that all of us are killed, there was difficult decision lying ahead of me! She also mentioned that if we listen to the sirens they will draw us in and make us forget everything in our minds! We had best be careful! When we came to these rocks I told my men that we will be in great danger! We came to the creature and it took us a long, long time to get through it, onee we had we searched for a while until we found the island with the grazing cattle, lingering in my mind was the warning I was given about the cattle and who they belonged to.

The search to find Teresias!

We set of in hope to find the only man that could soothe the terrible God of the Sea, Poseidon's anger to seek revenge on us and make every moment we spent on the sea a living nightmare! We sailed for a while until we approached a thick wall of fog, it made it so difficult for us to see what lay ahead but we carried on regardless. The ship hit the sandbank and then we could see the land of the DEAD! We were in the dark, deep oily river. We passed through miles of gloom and mist. Then we stepped off the ship onto the land of the dead and walked cautiously. As we walked on, we came across HADES the God of the Underworld. The ghosts surrounded my men and I, I had never encountered anything like this before, so I tried to be as careful and quiet as possible. We then came across the great warrior Achilles ghost. He moaned to us that he would rather be a beggar of the living than a prince of the dead, this made me think about how lucky I was to be living and be a respected warrior, I thought about making the most of my life like this and I also thought about how lucky I was. Teresias then told us that the only way to get home was by humility and we must search for an island that belonged to the God of the Sun, Hyperion. On this island we would come across cattle, even if we were most hungry and wanted food more than the world, we were told that we must not touch the cattle or harm them in any way, this would make our journey home hassle free from being harmed by the God of the Sun.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

The mistress welcomed me in and I joined my men at the table, I stayed on the island for a year but then decided that I needed to try and get home, I had forgotten about my son and wife, I wanted to see my son as a grown boy. The mistress told me that I had to meet the one man that new how to outwit Poseidon. I was determined to meet this man.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Circie's Charm!!!

We went to a nearby island and sobbed , we knew that we would not get home to our families, I was so desperate to see my son now, I longed to see him more than ever. I decided to explore the island, I like a good adventure to take my mind off the fact that I wasn't going to see my son for a long time.I climbed a steep hilland looked across the island, it was beautiful. In the forrest there was a clearing, in the clearing was a strange palace. The island was inhabited.

I went back to tell my men what things I had seen. But when In reached the ship, it was deserted. I saw the path leading to the forrest and I decided to follow that path ton see what it would lead to. I came to a clearing and between me and the beautiful palace was ferocious lions and wolves. When I had battled with these animals, I looked through the window of  the palace and there was my crew, drinking, talking, laughing, singing. And then I saw the mistress of the palace, she was dark haired and dark eyed, with very pale skin.