I could still smell the dead, the smell hovered around for a while until we escaped the last wall of fog. My men were left shaken after coming across Hades, he was a terrifying man. We didn't see people like him everyday! I was left thinking, what I hadn't mentioned to my men, or t anyone, was that I saw something, someone, a soul, who I recognised lurking in the dead. The soul of my beloved mother, who I now knew, was no longer alive, but dead, in the underworld. I could not believe it. I was left speechless and could feel gentle tears spilling down my cheeks. I faced away from my men so they could not see me in this state. She would not be there to see me when I got back from my journey...
We went back to Circie's island and she informed me of the island of the sirens and it's enchantments, she told me about the rocks that the ship will approach and to beware of the lair of Scylla, she told me that this terrible creature will kill 6 of my men!!! But if we move in the other direction there is a chance that all of us are killed, there was difficult decision lying ahead of me! She also mentioned that if we listen to the sirens they will draw us in and make us forget everything in our minds! We had best be careful! When we came to these rocks I told my men that we will be in great danger! We came to the creature and it took us a long, long time to get through it, onee we had we searched for a while until we found the island with the grazing cattle, lingering in my mind was the warning I was given about the cattle and who they belonged to.
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